Upload. Train. Chat.

Boost your productivity.
Chat to documents and extract information in seconds.

Create account, upload documents and chat with them, build your QA database and reuse anywhere.

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How it works

Everything you need to use your documents to train your own chatbots

With our innovative OpenAI-powered platform, you can now easily upload your documents and let our advanced technology analyze the content. Simply upload your document to our system and let the magic begin.
Train the AI
Our system uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze your documents and build a unique understanding of your writing style. Through continuous learning and training, our AI is constantly improving its ability to understand your content and respond in a more personalized way.
Start chatting
Once your document has been analyzed and our AI has been trained, you're ready to start chatting! With our intuitive chat interface, you can have a conversation with our AI and get personalized responses that match your unique writing style. Whether you're looking for writing advice or just want to chat, our platform is the perfect place to connect.
Unlock the Power of Your Documents
Our platform is about unlocking the full potential of your documents. With our advanced AI technology, you can quickly and easily understand complex documents, extract key information, and even gain insights from legal documents as a layperson. Whether you're a student, a researcher, a business owner, or just someone looking to better understand the world around you, our platform can help.

So why wait? Start uploading, training, and chatting today and see how our platform can help you unlock the power of your documents and achieve your goals.

Pricing that works for you

Our pricing is simple and transparent with a monthly subscription model that includes unlimited document uploads up to 2000 pages in total.


Your subscription helps us expand and improve the platform with new features and cutting-edge technology. With your support, we can continue to make the platform even better for everyone.

What’s included

  • Unlimited uploads
  • Member resources
  • Preferential slots over the free tier
  • Official member badge of honour

Monthly subscription

$49 USD